100 22nd St Station/Marpole Loop

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100 22nd St Station
100 Marpole

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Route diagram
Locate buses

100 22nd St Station

100 Marpole

Trip length





100 001HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:1625:2121:05MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 002HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:3124:0419:33MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 003HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:4619:1914:33MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 004HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:0017:4512:45MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 005HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:0825:0219:54MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 006HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
05:1710:3005:13MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 007HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:2523:3418:09MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 008HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:3408:4903:15MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 009HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
05:5109:0403:13MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 010HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
06:0517:2111:16MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 011HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
06:1009:3303:23MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 012HTC
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
06:2307:5801:35MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 013HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
100 Marpole via Trapp
06:3618:0111:25MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 014HTC
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
06:4608:2701:41MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 015HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 Marpole via Trapp
07:3909:1901:40MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 016HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
14:1026:2212:12MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 017HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
14:4018:1703:37MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 018HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
14:5725:5110:54MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 019HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
14:5718:3403:37MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 020HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
15:1018:5103:41MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 021HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 Marpole
100 Marpole
15:2722:3807:11MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
100 001HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:2326:2422:01Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 002HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:4118:1413:33Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 003HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:0123:2618:25Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 004HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:1824:1018:52Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 005HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:3622:4117:05Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 006HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
06:3925:2918:50Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 007HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
07:2625:5418:28Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 008HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
15:1525:0909:54Sa (6/24-9/01)
100 005HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
12:0922:2910:20Su (6/24-9/01)
100 007HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
09:3721:4412:07Su (6/24-9/01)
100 008HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:1618:5414:38Su (6/24-9/01)
100 009HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:5826:2221:24Su (6/24-9/01)
100 020HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:5525:4919:54Su (6/24-9/01)
100 021HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
04:3822:5918:21Su (6/24-9/01)
100 022HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
12:5818:0705:09Su (6/24-9/01)
100 023HTCZ
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
05:1623:3218:16Su (6/24-9/01)
100 024HTC
100 22nd St Station
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
100 Marpole
100 Marpole via Trapp
06:5325:1718:24Su (6/24-9/01)