155 Braid Station/22nd Street Station

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155 Braid Station
155 22nd Street Station

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Route diagram
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155 Braid Station

155 22nd Street Station

Trip length





100 006HTC
100 22nd St Station via Trapp
155 Braid Station via Hospital
100 Marpole
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
05:0709:2304:16MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 002HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
388 Carvolth Exchange
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
388 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station
418 Kingswood
418 To Boundary Rd
05:2518:4813:23MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 005HTC
104 22nd St Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
14:0819:5405:46MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 006HTC
104 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:1109:2504:14MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 010HTC
101 Lougheed Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
101 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:1019:1514:05MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 026HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
06:0425:5319:49MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 038HTC
104 22nd St Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
06:0217:3711:35MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 047HTC
128 Braid Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
15:1317:5202:39MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 048HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
14:3919:2304:44MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 050HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
128 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
15:1521:2806:13MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 053HTC
104 22nd St Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
418 Kingswood
15:0821:2506:17MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 056HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
418 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
418 Kingswood
14:3219:3104:59MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 061HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
388 Carvolth Exchange
418 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
388 22nd St Station
418 Kingswood
05:0524:4619:41MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 065HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
05:4209:0403:22MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 071HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
05:4509:0903:24MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 074HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
06:2208:5902:37MTuWThF (4/17-6/25)
410 002HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
N19 New West Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
05:3926:0820:29Sa (4/17-6/25)
410 003HTC
104 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
05:4025:1919:39Sa (4/17-6/25)
410 006HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
05:5524:2418:29Sa (4/17-6/25)
410 008HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
05:4021:2515:45Sa (4/17-6/25)
410 012HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
06:1021:2115:11Sa (4/17-6/25)
410 015HTC
101 Lougheed Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station
101 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station
08:1024:0815:58Su (4/17-6/25)
410 017HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
08:2524:4616:21Su (4/17-6/25)
410 018HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
08:4021:2312:43Su (4/17-6/25)
410 019HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
08:5524:4515:50Su (4/17-6/25)